How To Kickstart Your Online Project

If you’re looking to start up an online business or app, you may have a unique idea and it may be successful, but the wrong procedures will eventually lead to failure. Before starting any project, you should have a clear idea about the project goals.

Here are five crucial tips to kickstarting your online project.

Always write it down

Write your ideas down in a list, with sub-ideas or features you want to have in your project. After you have covered all the different elements, start to create the most important document in your project—the SRS (Software Required Specifications). This file will contain the detailed features of your application, alongside the technologies and your application workflow.

Undertake a feasibility study

Some may think that feasibility studies are not that important, but they will give you a full view of your project and your expectations over the next five or 10 years of the project life. A feasibility study will show you how much it will cost to start your project, the expenses you will be paying, and the income you can expect after launch.

In-house or outsource development?

One of the most important questions the feasibility study will help you to answer is whether to create your app in-house or to outsource it.  It will show you the cost for both, but this might only be 50% of the answer. Depending on the project it may require constant updating or a monthly review, it could determine whether the app has user-driven content or almost-static content, etc. Whatever your project needs, you will be prepared.

Advertise, market, engage and repeat

Once you’ve reached this step your app is ready to be used, which means you should announce it to the world. A good share of your project budget should go to advertising. Use every possible channel that might help you reach your targeted customers and users, and don’t stop there. Engage with your users on social media platforms (all of them) as this is the main advertising for your project.

Do not wait for over-night success

Although Steve Jobs started Apple in 1976, he didn’t achieve success until he launched Macintosh in 1984—eight years later. Bill Gates started Microsoft in 1975, but he didn’t succeed until he signed IBM to provide them basic OS in 1981—six years later. Over-night success stories are rare, as success requires patience, planning and good judgment, alongside long sleepless nights.

You will achieve the goals you dream of, as long as you are following the right steps and procedures. Eventually, success will be on your side.

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